Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Another absolutely beautiful day in La Rioja and in about twenty minutes I am off to spend the rest of it inside. It's not such an enormous loss though, mornings are proving as wonderful as afternoons in the Spanish spring- now I just have to get myself out of bed in time to enjoy the former. If I went to bed earlier, I could get up earlier and get more done. More on that in a moment.

I'm a big fan of spring cleaning. I like the feeling of having a big cleaning project before me, scrubbing each room from top to bottom and then airing out the chemical overtones to leave only fresh scents and that slightly chilly hint of sanitization. That is what I am going to be doing this whole week, attacking every corner of my apartment with broom and sponge until it shines. While there is much work to be done on my apartment's aesthetic, there is no reason for me to stop my spring cleaning with that. 

Instead, I am proposing to myself a setting in place of new, healthier, and more positive habits, to be realized with the passing of the spring and continued from this point forward. They are small, but necessary adjustments in my daily life and I am looking forward to implementing each and every one of them. I understand that change doesn't happen all of a sudden, so I am going to dedicate each week to one or two goals. You'll be able to follow my progress here.

This week is a two-part challenge

1. Sit down and eat a real breakfast every morning, with either juice or milk. I've done it for two days in a row so far, which is a trend that I'm not entirely sure my world has seen since before high school. It's a good way for me to start the day, just sitting and doing something methodical and peaceful. It also means that I start my day with a quick five minute jaunt down the street, which will keep me from spending the entire morning in a series of static positions. I leave the computer in the apartment and just dash down the street with me, myself, and I.

2. Engage more with the girls in the afternoon and do not touch my computer while I am eating lunch. Isolate eating times and work/mindless internet surfing from one another.

It's Tuesday and I'm doing alright so far, but you'll know how it panned out on Sunday. One of the enormous over-all goals springing from this, as you may be able to identify from this week's intentions, is to spend less busy time on my computer and prioritize my time when I am on the internet. Next week's challenge may be tough to handle.

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